Thursday, February 7, 2008

Entry Twenty - Feb 7/08

When I was little, I remember I was really sad, and I wanted to talk to my mom. She was vaccuming, and I didn't want to bug her, but she stopped and said she'd always have time to listen to me because you never know when I would grow up and hate being around home.

Tonight, I went downstairs into my mom and her new husbands bedroom and waited for her to get out of their private bathroom. She rushed out of the room right passed me with not so much of a glance. I followed her to the kitchen, and asked her to look at this new shirt I bought. She looked for less then a milisecond, I stood there, and she just hurried along. Then I said, remember when I needed someone to talk to, and you said you'd always have a second for me? You know what she said, I'll look at it when I get home.

Maybe that doesn't seem like the world is falling for you, but when your mom doesn't have a second to look at her daughters t shirt, but she has hours to caress her new fucking husband, you begin to wonder...

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