Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Entry Two - Dec 26/07

I know I just wrote the longest story of my life yesterday, but today, the subject on my mind is love. So that's what I'm gunna talk about. Whether or not there even is such a thing.

My original theory was that Love should be forever, but forever is fading. It doesn't last anymore, parents split up, children run away, people cheat, lie, manipulate other people, and if that is what they call love, I want none of it.

My best friend says Love is a lie. It's just a word someone made up one day when they thought they had a special connection with someone. An apparent 'soul mate'. I don't know if soul mates are real either, but she has her heart set on the fact that they aren't.

Another one of my friends, a guy friend, whom I had a short fling with told me that love does exsist and love IS forever. It doesn't change and it never leaves you. "That's how you can tell whether it's love, or just another relationship." He told me.

This other guy, who I mostly just fool around with, got to talking with me. Our first actual conversation not involving anything sexual and I asked him if he'd ever been in love. He said yes. I asked him how he could know for sure, and he said, he still loves her. I felt kinda weird and awkward and then he said, he was the one who got hurt, because she didn't love him back. I asked him if he regreted it, and he said "not one minute".

Amazing, how he doesn't regret falling in love, and he's the one who got hurt. Whether he's lying to me or not, I have no idea, but I like to think that what he's saying is real. I play a lot of baseball, and for some reason, to me it's the best way I can describe love. Love is the pitcher, and your the batter. Love is gunna pitch to you eventually, who knows when, or where, you just have to swing at it, and maybe, just maybe, it'll go out of the park.

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